Pastor’s Post for January 1, 2017! Happy New Year!

As the Gospel for this Sunday reminds us, though we may look somewhat anxiously toward the uncertainty of the future, we have the certainty of this: that the Word became flesh and dwelled among us full of grace and truth. May our hearts and minds be open to God’s freely grace and the truth which comes to us in the One who is the Way, the Truth and the Life, Jesus Christ our Lord!

Pastor’s Post for the week of Christmas: A Family Christmas Letter

We celebrate the Nativity of our Lord in worship this weekend with Christmas Eve Candlelight Communion at 7:00 PM on Saturday and Christmas Day Communion at 10:00 AM on Sunday. I hope to see you then. Meanwhile I am pleased to share our family Christmas letter with all of you.

Pastor’s Post – Does God have a Mother? 4th Sunday in Advent, 12/18/2016

This Sunday, December 18, is the 4th Sunday in Advent and we turn our attention to Mary the Mother of our Lord, and “The Annunciation,” a text that gives rise to the question: what should we say about Mary?

PASTOR’S POST : Give Thanks Unto the Lord! November 20, 2016

“Oh give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good. His steadfast love endures forever.” That was one of the first Bible verses I memorized as a child. It was our table prayer at almost every meal.

Pastor’s Post for the week of Sunday, October 23rd – In Christ Alone

For over 2000 years orthodox Christians have affirmed the principle of “Solus Christus” or “Christ alone.” The Reformation period, 500 years ago, was a time when the reformers like Martin Luther believed they were called upon to make this confession anew.

Pastor’s Post for the week of Sunday, October 16th!

This month in my messages on Sunday I am focusing on the “Five Solas” of the Reformation: Grace alone (Sola Gratia), Faith alone (Sola Fide’), Scripture alone (Sola Scriptura), Christ alone (Solus Christus), to the glory of God alone (Soli Deo Gloria). These watchwords of the Reformation are not unlike the bases on the baseball diamond. (You’ll pardon this metaphor but I just watched the Cubs with their division defeating the San Francisco Giants in an astounding four run 9th inning!)

Pastor’s Post – WE ARE STEWARDS OF INFLUENCE (9-18-16)

God puts all of us in situations where we can be focused on His will or our own selfish desires. Rick puts it this way, “You were put here to be an influence for good. God wants you to do that…”

Pastor’s Post for Suicide Prevention Week.

This week is National Suicide Prevention Week. To learn more about the organization behind National Suicide Week log on to their website: To help prevent suicide in our communities, join me on the Salem “Out of the Darkness Walk” on October 8. For more information log on to:

Special DOUBLE Pastor’s Post – August 28th & September 4th: “Out of Words?”

So what are your favorite Bible passages? Do you have any verses memorized? I think it would be interesting to invite some of our Shepherd’s Voice readers to share the Bible passages that are important to them in their Christian faith and why. Please consider this just such an invitation!

Pastor’s Post for Sunday, August 21st!

Anniversary Celebrations, new events to come, processes that need the whole congregations assistance. I you ready for the coming season? Find out what you need to do to be prepared.