Pastor’s Greeting
Shalom! It is my joy and privilege to share with every person that they have been welcomed into the family and reign of God through trusting in what Jesus Christ has accomplished with his life, death, and victory on the Cross. You are loved and belong because of what Jesus did for you!
I am a graduate of the Cross-Cultural Ministry Center at Concordia University Irvine where I obtained my Masters of Theology. I am married to a feisty woman and have three, equally feisty, children. I am an avid cyclist, board game player & designer, enjoy video games, backpacking, hiking, & woodworking.
Sunday Morning Worship 9:00 a.m.
Join us for worship in person or online.
Live Stream:
Join us for worship via our live stream, which can be found by clicking on the YouTube logo.
Sunday School
Join us in person weekly enrichment and support:
Sunday morning Multi-gen (10:30-11:30 am)
Tuesday mornings (9:00-10:30 am) Join in person or online. We watch a video related to the Bible and then journal/copy a scripture passage for the upcoming Sunday worship experience.
Interested in participating? Contact the church office (svlc.corvallis@gmail.com) to request to be added to a class email list.
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Come Visit Us!
Shepherd of The Valley Lutheran Church
2650 NW Highland Dr
Corvallis, OR 97330
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