Recent News
March 2, 2020
The season of Lent is upon us. There are multiple opportunities to worship each week and to have fellowship over a meal. Guest preachers will be here each Wednesday evening during Lent. Lots of interesting (I hope) information to be found within the newsletter. Happy reading!
January 29, 2020
This Saturday (February 1st) is the annual Leadership Retreat from 9:00-11:30 a.m. A Circuit 4 Men's Breakfast will be hosted at Shepherd of the Valley on February 8th from 9:00-10:30 a.m. By the end of the month, we have moved to the beginning of the Lenten Season with our Ash Wednesday worship service and imposition of ashes at 7:00 p.m. on February 26th. Bible Studies are ongoing and always welcome to new members. Check out the newsletter for other events and information.
November 29, 2019
It's Advent Season and there are lots of things happening around SVLC this month. Wednesday midweek soup suppers at 6:00 p.m. with evening worship at 7:00 p.m., as well as noontime brown bag meditative worship. Christmas Eve worship is at 7:00 p.m. We do not have a Christmas Day worship service. Our Love Feast will take place on December 29th at 9:00 a.m. combined with worship . . . a unique experience with lots of good food and fellowship along with sharing not only a meal but the Lord's Supper. Come and join us!
November 2, 2019
Our Town Hall meetings have begun. Be sure to join us Sunday mornings after worship for these discussions. Our Thanksgiving Eve Worship will take place at 7:00 p.m. on November 27th followed by our Annual Pie Social. Lots of good eating to be done! Enjoy reading about upcoming activities.
November 2, 2019
Lots of information about upcoming events. Most importantly, we have three Town Hall Meetings coming up beginning October 27th to discuss how we will move forward with our Gospel Fund dollars to bless the ministries in our community. Also, there is news about our upcoming Trunk or Treat event on October 31st. Lots of opportunities for Bible Study and personal growth. Be sure to see if there is anything in which you might be interested.
August 22, 2019
It's almost time to turn the calendar and look ahead to a new year of activities as children return to school and the seasons begin to change. There is a lot of information in this edition: report on Kids Garden Camp, Thrivent projects, Bible classes starting again and news about a Special Voters' Meeting. Grab your favorite beverage, put your feet up, and enjoy reading this news for September!
July 31, 2019
Our Kids Garden Camp is happening August 12-15th! Please share with neighbors and friends who might have children interested in this marvelous event. FREE including dinner! Our 100 Days of Summer Bible Verse a Day is moving along and we look forward to our wrap-up of this fun summer event on September 8th. Lots of information inside. Happy summer!
July 1, 2019
Already it is July and summer is in full swing. We are well into our 100 Days of Summer Bible-Verse-a-Day Challenge. It's never too late to start and/or 'catch up.' Our 'Kids in the Garden' camp will take place August 12-15th from 5:30-7:30 p.m. Dinner will be included. Sign-up is available on our website home page. Check out the newsletter for other articles and information of upcoming events. Have a wonderful summer!
June 5, 2019
Summer is almost upon us! Be certain to see the information about our upcoming Block Party where we will celebrate with the groups who meet in our church to serve the Corvallis community at large. Should be a great time! Planning has started for our Giving Garden VBS program in August; volunteers are needed. The Giving Garden volunteers are busy each week planting, weeding, and even harvesting food for donating to the Community Outreach Center. The Cars & Coffee event, hosted by the Corvallis Historical Car Club which meets here, begins their monthly gathering of historic vehicles on Saturday, June 1st. This event will continue through October on the first Saturday of each month. Lots happening so look at what you might want to attend and/or become involved. Blessings!!
June 5, 2019
This is the beginning of our move to a monthly newsletter with weekly updates. The monthly newsletter will be more robust with general information, ministry volunteer information, lectionary readings, reports, and items of interest being a part of the monthly news. The weekly updates will be just that . . . short and sweet with reminders of upcoming events. If you have any thoughts or questions about information contained within these publications, please contact the church office. Have a blessed day!