The Bible Project:


BOOK ONE: After reading these Psalms, select one to write out on a separate sheet of paper or in your journal. Underline the words or phrases that speak to your circumstances this summer. Meditate on these words/phrases. Incorporate them into your language as your move through the summer.

BOOK TWO: After reading these Psalms, select one to write out on a separate sheet of paper or in your journal. What about this Psalm caught your attention? How does this Psalm speak to you today? How might this Psalm speak to you in the future?

BOOK THREE: After reading these Psalms, select one to write out on a separate sheet of paper or in your journal. The Greek title of Psalms is Psalmoi, meaning songs to the accompaniment of stringed instruments. What instrument would you like to hear accompany this Psalm? How might you sing this Psalm? Give it a try.

BOOK FOUR: After reading these Psalms, select one to write out on a separate sheet of paper or in your journal. How is God being praised in these verses? What words are being used? What words, not found in this Psalm, would you use to praise God?

BOOK FIVE: After reading these Psalms, select one to write out on a separate sheet of paper or in your journal. How does this Psalm give you hope, encouragement, promise, or a vision of a brighter future? What specifically will you use from this Psalm to guide you forward in your life?

OVERALLLooking back over the 102 Psalms (or partial Psalms) you have read (and perhaps you added to your reading the other almost 50 more!), and those you have reflected upon, choose one favorite to write out separately and commit to memory. Let it become your “go to” comfort and praise of our Heavenly Father.