Pastor’s Post for Sunday, February 12th – Senior Servant Sunday!

6th Sunday after Epiphany –  Senior Servants Sunday – February 12, 2017

At Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church we have some of the best old folks you will could want to meet.  It’s true we don’t have many children or young people around. Hearing a baby cry in a church service is a welcome sound for us.  Many people think that having young families with school age children in the church service is THE indicator of a particular vitality in the life of their church. Well, it is one sign of vitality. But it’s not the only one.  Having a lively crew of seniors can be equally joyful and a sign of church vitality too. 

And it better be, because none of us is getting any younger. What is more we old folks (I include myself) don’t have to pretend about life any more. We all know that none of us is getting out of this life alive. Death is the “real deal.” We don’t have endless tomorrows to “get real” about life or finally do what we need to do in life. We don’t have time to live in denial, and pretend that having the newest techno widget is going to make life really meaningful.  We old folks know a secret. Life is meaningful because of the people with whom we share our lives, and our faith is meaningful because we know that God has promised us a day when “all things will be made new!” Even us!  We know that we matter to God.

Like a lot of you I’ve experienced age discrimination in my life. I’ve actually had people tell me that I wasn’t considered for this or that position or call in ministry because I was too old, and wasn’t bringing a nice young family and pretty young wife into the congregation. Outrageous, don’t you think!  Age is just a number.  I know a lot of younger clergy who are so districted they never seem to get anything done. My faith and energy and focus for serving God have never been greater. I like where I am in life right now and I hope you do too. Thanks be to God! Let’s make our church a discrimination free zone where everyone is joyfully welcomed to be part of the church family, and where everyone is celebrated for who they are and the wonderful gifts God has given them as people, no matter their age or anything else.

For this reason, and just because they are really neat people, we are celebrating SENIOR SERVANTS SUNDAY THIS Sunday, February 12 in worship and in our fellowship time after the service.  We will be recognizing the following members and friends of the congregation aged 90 or older in 2017. Not all of them will be able to be with us, but they are all witnesses to lives that are following Jesus.

Names                                         Born                                                     Place of Birth
June Lange Buschman                February 14, 1927                                Glencoe, Iowa
Agnes Nelson Goetzinger           June 25, 1925                                       Tygh Valley, Oregon
Opal Barrett Grossnicklaus        February 17, 1924                                Creston, Nebraska
Robert Mueller                             June 3, 1925                                          Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Marie Mueller                              August 13, 1925                                     Napa, California
Mary Hatfield Nunery                December 22, 1923                              Brooksville, Kentucky
John W. Stephens                       January 31, 1927                                   Goldburg, Idaho
Frances Gates Weyers                February 1, 1925                                    Rodman, New York

God loves them. God’s love has been shown in the way they live their lives, and we are grateful to have them as part of the Shepherd of the Valley church family! Let’s celebrate senior servants Sunday!

Pastor Joe Hughes     voice & text:  217-898-9063              Email: